additional information
What is OTC?
The Ozone Transport Commission (OTC) is a multi-state organization created under the Clean Air Act (CAA). It is responsible for advising EPA on transport issues and for developing and implementing regional solutions to the ground-level ozone problem in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions.
OTC brings together the states from Virginia to Maine to coordinate reductions in air pollution that benefit the whole region. The OTC provides air pollution assessment, technical support and a forum through which states can work together to harmonize their pollution reduction strategies. OTC members include: Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Virginia. If the project is located with in the OTC region, one must comply with the applicable VOC standards since each of the OTC states adopt their own rule. For more information visit:
What is carb?
California Air Resources Board (CARB) California's Legislature established CARB in 1967 to improve and maintain healthy air quality and conduct research into the causes of and solutions to air pollution in the State. CARB has authority to set and enforce emission standards for motor vehicles, fuels, and consumer products; set health-based air quality standards; monitor air quality; identify and set control measures for toxic air contaminants and oversee local air quality districts. To help control the State's significant smog levels, CARB has established much stricter regulatory requirements than most of the U.S. regarding VOC emission levels in hundreds of consumer products, including paints and other architectural coatings. For more information visit: